
Be Aware From Loan Apps

This side reporter (Tannu) On 20th July I had done investigation against a application named Hugo Loan app as there are several people suffering from this app so decided to work on it

I am here to inform you that this application is fraud as they did scam with almost 50 thousand above people once you installed this app this will auto capture your all data in your phone like Contacts, Google photos, sms, location & calling history etc after they auto activate loan with the help of your documents without signing any sanction letter also they provide tenurity of loan almost 5-6 days and within these days they will threatened & harrase you, they will send scam messages to your contact list as they already saved your data on their system they will send edited nake pictures of

you also send vulgur & abusive messages to you and to your contact list, they will upload your contact number with edited fake nake pictures of you on social media as they are scamming with everyone so be aware about this application and also related to this, please do maximum complaint on playstore so that playstore would remove this app soon and also all will get resolution asap
Tannu Shree

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