
Best known actress in Gujarati film world: Sejal Panchal

Sejal Panchal had a dream since his childhood that I want to become something in my life. May the blessings of my family and my mother and elders always be with me so that I can progress in my life.

I Sejal Panchal last 5-6 years worked in Gujarati film world in film and album song and with the blessing of my Kuldevi Mata and my mother acted in my first song “Devi Prajha Awa” song. Jigar on YouTube  The studio released received a very good response

According to my experience, in my life time, I have got great contribution and cooperation from all kinds of people like producers, directors, actors, who have worked with me.

I will tell you one thing from my experience that your nature, skills and behavior are very important in the film world.  This is my personal experience.

The songs that I have acted in are as follows.Devi Ramva Awo, Sadhi Kare Poker, Taro Thaye Divo Mara Ghar Maan, Door Dasha Door Kar Dashama, Tu Jone Ne Jone Mata and with  Acted in Mari Jigar Jaan, Dolar Hinchko, Aashiq Nasha Main Toh Kasha Ma Nahi, Chandan Talavadi, Star Jaye To Pyaar Jaye, a short film Walida.

So far I have acted in more than 100 songs and more than 5 short films and attended social and religious and small and big awards.  Also invited to attend big and small brand promotions.

My life is very much blessed by my mother and my clan goddess and my Ishtadev.  I also express my gratitude to all the fans who have joined me

My heartfelt thanks to Abhishek D Parekh and Journalist of G Express News for being interviewed by the G Express News family.

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