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Jwala Glamour Of India 2022 with Tannu Shree Rajput

On 20th March 2022, there is a Modeling and dancing competition going to be held and everyone is excited for this event because there is a special guest coming on this show named Tannu Shree Rajput as most of the people knows about her as she is very talented and multi-tasking actress and model, she has done many songs, short movies, prank videos etc on youTube, apart from that she has done many fashion shows and got the title in 2017 as Miss Delhi 2017, these days she is just planning to make career in TV serials, In an recent interview Tannu told us that she doesn’t do smoke and drink as other most of the model’s and actor-actress do infact she just hate these things because as per her opinion she opted fashion and acting Industry as a profession only and will not going to take these things which can spoil her career and also don’t want to make her parents disappoint, according to her his father is also in Events Industry but still he had not taken any drug or smoke till now so she just want to maintain her parents respect till the end, she also promised with father that she will do great work in this industry without doing anything wrong, her thinking is really great as she is handling many things at a same time, if you all want to see her you can easily visit on her Instagram profile, user name jasmine____rajput , Well we just want to congratulate her and All the very best for your bright future Tannu


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