
Saraswatibai Dadasaheb Phalke Soulmate Award, DPIAF- Lifestyle Iconic Award and DPIAF- Business Global Icon Achiever Award 2023 to be held in Mumbai on August 24th

Saraswatibai Dadasaheb Phalke Soulmate Award is now going to be held on 24th August 2023 by Kalyanji Jana. This is India’s first award show in the name of Saraswatibai, the wife of Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian films. Mangalsutra has been given a very big place in Hindu society.

But a woman gives money to her husband by mortgaging her mangalsutra and her husband produces India’s first film with the same money and creates history. After this the history of Bollywood begins, she is the first woman who is an editor, producer, costume designer, her name is Saraswatibai Phalke and this award ceremony is going to be held in her name.

Kalyanji Jana said that we named the Soulmate Award because of the love that both husband and wife had for each other and their wife’s contribution in the making of India’s first film. Her contribution can never be forgotten. Similarly, in today’s era, those husbands whose wives support them in their goals, or the wives with whom their husbands cooperate, we will honor such wives and husbands.

If someone does not have a husband or wife, then he can bring his parents who supported him in every moment like a soulmate. Parents, husband or wife will be present there on the stage. This is going to happen for the first time in India. Apart from the film industry, celebrities from other fields will also be felicitated here.”

Apart from this, another show is going to happen on 24th August, 3rd DPIAF- Lifestyle Iconic Award This award is for those people who have moved their lives from poverty to success and who are now living their lifestyle. In the field in which they have hoisted the flag of their work, such people will get this award.

Apart from this, the third award show is 4th DPIAF – Business Global Icon Achiever Award 2023. In this, the award will be given to all those businessmen who have become businessmen from poor or who have become successful businessmen by crossing the struggle, such male or female businessmen will be given.

100 trophies will be given for Soulmate Award, 50 awards will be for Lifestyle Iconic and 50 trophies will be given for Business Global Achiever Award. These three award ceremonies are going to be held on 24th August 2023 at Mukti Auditorium Hall located in Andheri West, Mumbai.

You can contact (8169461311) to join us in this program. Kalyanji Jana expresses heartfelt thanks to everyone. Jai Hind, Har Har Mahadev, Jai Shiv Shambhu, Jai Mahakal

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