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What we offer to our nature they return back the same good or bad

I know some might understand or some might not understand the fact of nature but believe me  nature appreciates your efforts and responsibilities towards them we might not even give it a thought but we are blessed and its not a topic a chapter in school books its a reality
Everything has been interconnected with our upcoming generations we all depend on it and we should save it
In last two years  i have realised and chosen to be a responsible citizen who could make a little difference towards our enviornment  by reducing usage of polythene bags its not a hard and fast rule in many states except sikkim law but don’t we think its our own duty because whatever we give to nature returns is returned to us we should reduce the usage of things which are harmful for our planet,i save as much as water i can and will put more efforts to make it a regular habits

Whatsoever we could do for nature as an individual could benefit in many ways and believe it more we pamper them the more fruitful it becomes for us and the generations

If a flower arpan to tusli ji could make wonders so feel the importance that what as an individual we should do for our existence on this planet

Just think for a minute and make it a habit of your daily routines

Special Story Writing By Deepali Chopara

Published By Hemrajsinh Vala Chairman G Express News 9898252620

GExpressNews | The latest news from India and around the world. Latest India news on Bollywood, Politics, Business, Cricket, Technology and Travel.

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